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Exclusive treatments during your wellness holiday

Apparative cosmetics & an algae treatment for your face



Microdermabrasion is an apparative peeling technology that cleanses the skin deep into the pores - the skin texture is visually refined and appears more even.

Cleansing | Peeling | Microdermabrasion | Active ingredient ampoule | Mask | Final treatment

60 minutes | 95 €

Cure with 3 treatments | 270 €


Microneedling is a successful procedure with the aim of tightening the skin. The skin is stimulated to renew itself from the inside and collagen is formed in the process. As a rule, there is a positive immediate effect.

Cleansing | Peeling | Aquapeeling (apparative cleansing) | Microneedling | Active substance ampoule | Mask | Final care

70 minutes | 120 € (incl. face)

90 minutes | 150 € (incl. face and décolleté)

In order to be able to meet your appointment wishes, we ask you to arrange your very personal wellness programme with us from home, before your arrival, by telephone on +49 8652 6558041.

Because your well-being is especially close to our hearts!

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83483 Bischofswiesen bei Berchtesgaden • Reißenpoint 11 • Fax. +49(0)8652 97720220

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